Yearly Messages
My message for 2012 is
"Love, not only the people you know but the one's you don't. All around the world, believe it or not, we are ALL children of GOD/Higher Intelligence/Almighty/whatever you want to call it. LOVE EVERYONE because EVERYONE deserves to be loved.
God loves all of humanity and so should we. Be kind hearted. Forgive as often as it takes until you no longer feel betrayed by others words or actions (that may not even be intentional toward you in the first place).
Be compassionate and understanding. DON'T JUDGE others, because until you have been in their shoes and experienced their life and struggles you really can't say or know how you would feel or react. Reach out to others, sometimes in ways that is even out of your comfort zone.
Make mistakes, but LEARN something from them and grow from them. Apologize, even when you are not wrong because sometimes people just need to know they matter and you care that much. Most importantly of all PUT GOD FIRST IN YOUR HEART, MIND, AND LIFE.
No one ever said that life is easy, matter of fact sometimes it is beyond disheartening. Loss is part of life, mourn and move on so that all the other people in the world can benefit from your potential, the people in your life deserve you to live on and make them know they are also special and deserve your love.
You can't make anyone come back from the dead, but they can be eternal love that you share with others. Your heart is a capsule of potential love. Always remember, 'this too shall pass' &/or 'it will get better'. Life is like a roller-coaster, there are ups and downs.
So,just sit back and be thankful you are on the ride in the first place. Also remember that no matter how bad things are they can ALWAYS be worse. Don't take things for granted!"
May God bless you all in this New Year and all the years of your life!! ♥
My 2013 Message
Well, once again we start a new year with many hopes and expectations that this year will be our year; our year for happines, our year for love, our year for success, but we shutter to think that this is just another year that will be filled with highs as well as lows and all that fits in between. Last year I challenged you to love without limitations, and this year I want each of you to expand your mind. Learn, all that life has to offer you. Experience, without being over indulgent.
Challenge yourself, outside of your comfortzone. Let determination light the way, so set your goal with that bright light of determination that you can and will endure to be successfull in reaching your goals. Acceptance, accept situations and people that are out of your control which does not lesson your inner values. Remember that life doesn't have to fit into "your" ideals, and that it is okay to open your mind and heart in acceptance and know that it is not your decision how other people live their life.
Don't obsess over situations you can't change. You are allowed to feel and think however you want, but try not to force that onto others because they too have that same liberty. So, along with love and compassion this year let us all try to embrace diversity with open arms. Until you can do that you cannot truly embrace God's love for humanity. Peace & Love to all my beautiful, wonderful wisdom seekers out there!!
My 2016 Message
Albeit late, I am happy to witness another year blossoming. After suffering my first incomplete spinal cord injury, which began January 2012 and was followed by surgery to decompress my spinal cord in December 2012. The disc had herniated and eventually became completely embedded in my spinal cord. Thank you VA Hospital for such despicable care, it really is not appreciated. Sorry, still working on forgiveness.
I still was able to write a message for 2013. After which I suffered another incomplete spinal cord injury to my cervical spine, where the equipment collapsed, and over another prolonged period of time and had another cervical spine surgery to decompress my spinal cord in April 2014. I just knew after the second surgery things would get better, but unfortunately I was sadly mistaken.
In Feburary 2015 while simply turning over in bed, I literally broke my neck. In April 2014, a tri-level titanium cage system was used in my neck from C4 to C7 to stabilize it. It was C7 vertabrea that broke in 2/2015, both sides of the vertabrea at that, because it could not handle the weight of the cage system. And, once again thanks to the VA, it was not until December 2015 that the necessary surgery was done to decompress my spinal cord. The most recent surgery added a two-level rod and screws from C7 down to T1, but this time the surgeon went in through the back of my neck instead of the front as was done the first two surgeries. The surgeon was very impressed with my recovery so far because of the severity of the spinal cord injury.
This time the damage to my central nervous system (CNS) was even more significant. My upper GI often won't work or is impaired significantly, i.e. Severe vomiting, etc. This is among a collage of other problems from the damage to my CNS. One day I may journal more details, but for now I will keep it to a minimum. I was having seizures and having double vision, and I still had to wait months because of the VA. I had woken up on numerous occasions completely paralyzed in arms/legs. I won't even mention when my diaphramed quit and I almost died, another day perhaps. It appears that the medical field in Mississippi, primarily in the VA system, are completely incompetent considering spinal cord injuries. I would like to affect change at the educational level for those working in the medical field, especially primary care.
Currently I am focused on my recovery as well as staying focused on my long-term goals, hoping it will keep me motivated in my recovery. I pray by the end of 2016 to have began my internship as a psychotherapist. I am hopeful and optimistic, but most importantly I am determined. Soo, my message this year is just...take care of yourself. And remember that self-knowledge is true wisdom.
Blessings to All!!