Friday, December 30, 2011

My 2011 Collage of Thoughts

My 2011 Collage of Thoughts

By Robbyn R. Wallace

Your Attitude + Your Choices = Your Life 

REPEAT AFTER ME: "*I* am responsible for *my* ~feelings, thoughts and actions~, AND *I* control how *I* view and react to the world..." 

I am so beyond being just fed up with Christian HYPOCRITES!! It's crazy how many 'delusional' people there are. Hide behind your religion but in the end it won't matter how often you attend church. What will matter is how you treat people, and what your true intentions are. Maybe you need to worry more about what God would think and less about what people think. Appearance can be VERY deceiving. Just saying!!

Having faith in God is not begging for "your" way but putting it in God's hands and trusting that he knows best.  

What is black to one person is white to another. And nothing in this world is so perfect that it is pure white, or so bad it is pure black. Everything concerning human beings comes in shades of gray. None of us is perfect, without flaws.

I just want to say that LIVING FOR GOD is not all about fellowship and church. Living for God is loving people no matter what, showing kindness and compassion to ALL of God's creation, and helping others mentally, physically, emotionally and/or otherwise. Mother Teresa was not known for always attending church and fellowshipping with those of 'her' faith, but going out and touching the lives of people of all faiths. She was not in it to persuade others to choose her faith, but to have a compassionate heart and love all people. I just wish so many people were not obsessed with their religion. It contaminates their perspective on God's true intentions for mankind. It is easy to love those who agree with you, but it is more important to love and reach out to those who don't and/or won't!! Okay, stepping off my soap box now!! 

When life gives you lemons make lemonade!!!!!! Just saying!! 

THOUGHT = Conscious acts of creation!! 

I am only me, that is who I choose to be. If I weren't me, then who else would I be? You can lie to others, but never to yourself & God! So, be true to yourself because that is what truly matters!!!! 

I love myself, just thought I would put that out there in the universe. To love yourself is to love God!! Just saying...

I might be the weird one in "your" world, but in “my" world you're the weird one. And guess what, I would much rather my world. However, you are welcome to join me anytime!! Visitors welcome!!  

Spiritual growth is a process of learning to live in harmony with the Universe through love and compassion for all God's creation. By practicing patience, understanding, compassion, kindness and love toward self and others you will radiate this energy through the Universe and in effect will touch others, directly and indirectly, and inspire spiritual growth within yourself... There are many paths that lead to God, everyone must choose their own with the conviction God places in their heart. God allows us freedom of choice. When a choice against his will is made, he then allows us to learn and grow from "our" choice. Everyone experiences suffering in one form or another, but God is always there with us. God is within us and all around us!

The human experience is a way for our soul to achieve growth by helping ourself & others, living & learning, loving & understanding, etc. Everything experienced in life has a purpose, and this purpose is for growth. This growth is important for our soul to be a better companion to God. If you fail to find the purpose in each experience, then you fail to grow from it. Suffering just happens to be apart of that, which is why it is allowed. Without it our soul would never know that experience, and in turn would not truly comprehend compassion! When you find acceptance in this process, you will then find understanding and contentment in your heart!! God Bless & May your day be great! Don't forget to smile at at least one person today!! Correction:  If you fail to accept each experience & use it as a tool to help self & others, then you fail to grow from it!! 

Prayer will calm anger and make life mean more:  Absolutely, once anger is calm and forgiveness is given, there is still the fact that actions and words are not forgotten. This doesn't mean that there has to be hard feelings, resentment or revenge, but situations and relationships are forever changed. This is where acceptance of change takes place! Love never dies just changes! Experiencing anger is a part of life, it is how you handle it that defines your character though! 

Emotions are so flippin human!!!! UGH!! Just imagine an existence NOT driven by human emotion but only by love and true understanding. Can you truly grasp the overwhelming presence of peace in that?!?! Anyway, that would be nice but impossible in the human realm. 

The best things in life are free!! Never lose sight of that!! No amount of money or material things can replace those things that come with no cost!! 

Loving from a distance is easy, it's loving up close and personal that can be difficult!! Patience & tolerance are not my best friend, sure wish they were though!! Hoping for a better tomorrow!!!! 

They say curiosity killed the cat, but I say boredom did!!!!! LMBO 

It is so weird how sometimes you can just get lost in the past. I know it isn't good for a person because we are supposed to live in the present, but I just can't seem to help myself sometimes. Sooooo much on my mind! Hoping it goes away soon... "sigh"

A person learns from life what their mind allows. You have to want more to get more. Knowledge is not given, but taken. One must sometimes broaden their mind to inspire even their self!!

There is a conflict within me, one of resistance and constant struggles. I am sad yet happy. Angry yet forgiving. Empty yet fulfilled. Heartless yet full of compassion. Hopeless yet full of hope. Lost yet found by God. Honest yet secretly hiding. Bold yet shy. Lonely yet surrounded by the world and God. Needing yet giving. Unloved yet loved. The internalized conflicts are never ending. Finding compromise, understanding, accepting and allowing oneself to feel what is good and release what isn't. This is where one finds inner peace. It is a never ending journey. It is my destiny, my goal!! 

I wish I had something GREAT to say, but unfortunately I am out of GREAT things to say at the moment. Stay tuned cause you never know when I might though!! heehee 

There are situations and choices in the past which have led up to that moment, and of which that moment is the consequence; and there are situations and choices in the future which spring directly from our response to that moment, and see in turn affected by our present choices. Therefore it makes sense to understand all we can about how we landed ourselves in a particular situation, for this understanding will in turn affect how we respond to life, and therefore what the next 'moment' will bring.

Beauty without substance is like a 'fake' diamond, pretty to look at but has no true value!! 

Life is but a mountain, and I am determined to reach the top no matter the obstacles I may face! Never give up, right? 

Does your child(ren) reflect who you are as a parent? If your child had to demonstrate what they have learned from you, what would he/she have to say? When parenting these are some questions we should be asking our self! We are all-human, thus are flawed. Mistakes are inevitable; it is how we handle them that define us...

I say lift up others despite how you feel, for it is always more fulfilling to make a POSITIVE difference!!!!

Love and be loved. Hate and be hated. JUDGE AND BE JUDGED. Have compassion and compassion will be given back to you. Well, guess I will stop there cause my brain ran out of words!! LOL... 

There are some people in this world that are impossible, and make it hard for good hearted people to have compassion for them! There are consequences for your actions, and it is time to take responsibility and be held accountable. There is a difference between supporting and loving a family member and enabling them! Learn it people!! 

Each struggle in life is an opportunity to shine... Well shoot, guess I still need a little buffing cause my luster is still a little dull!! LOL...

I say, "Love yourself first, then love others as you love yourself! Respect yourself first, then respect others as you respect yourself! All in all, do into others the way you would like others to do unto you." 

It is through our interactions with others that we become aware of our shortcomings and our abilities. It is through our personal encounters that we come to realize what we need to work on, as well as what it is we have with which to work.   

We attract souls to us that sometimes mirror a hidden image of our self, whether in a positive light or negative. Recognition of this is the first step into understanding why the people in our life are apart of it! What are the qualities you admire? Resent? Etc... If you want better, do better and you may attract better!!  

Goal for today: In your heart of hearts, from your soul, truly forgive someone today for a past transgression. Now it is time to unload that luggage you have been carrying around with you, you have no more use for it. Your life shall be enhanced for such a brave act of compassion and understanding!!  

P.S. From this moment on when you think about what was forgiven you will have no more negative emotion toward it. Remember that you are released and now you will feel compassion and understanding in place of anger and resentment! Forgiveness doesn't mean forgetfulness... It's okay to remember, just make sure to let those emotions felt change!!

Goal for today: Go out of your way to be nice to someone that you would never think twice about or someone who may get on your nerves!! Hope all have a great day!! 

Of all the mistakes made, none I am ashamed. For at the very least I learned humility! 

I believe that if you dig deep within yourself you will discover that you have the power to change your life. Just have faith in yourself, and the courage to adjust to transformation. Search for the true meaning in life, your spiritual journey. Once you take that first step you will discover that each step will become clearer and easier than the last. Learn to love, forgive, and have compassion for those you do not understand, for they’re also just living a human existence trying to find their way. Get away from those things that hold you back, and begin to live for a future that you most desire. 

Something to Ponder: When you talk behind someone's back you not only show lack of integrity and character but also you break trust and credibility...

Something to Ponder: People tend to reject things they do not understand!!

Something to Ponder: Scars remind us where we have been, BUT they do not determine where we are going!!

Over time life gave me many lemons that I didn't know what to do with, but eventually I learned to make lemonade. 

Huge pillow fight with my daughter = aching joints!!!! So well worth it tho. Laughed so hard I almost pee'd my pants. Ha. 

(July 4th 2011) 13 Years ago today my family lost a valuable piece of our puzzle, and that piece left us incomplete and always will. I love and miss you little brother, Christopher Wallace. RIP

As unique as we all are, it is amazing how similarly we all function! Have you ever wondered "Has or Does anyone else feel this way?" or "Does anyone understand what I am dealing with or going through?". The answer to those "type" questions is YES! YOU ARE NOT ALONE! There are many many people who do and have felt and thought exactly as you do. The emotions and thoughts you have are not unique to only you. The same broken record plays in my head as it plays in yours! The big difference is how YOU choose to deal with them! 

Main thing is always to remember you are a spiritual being having a human experience... Sometimes our life experiences are there to help our soul grow. Good and Bad, you always have the power to transform it into a positive outcome from within yourself... 

Yes, I have grey hair... Guess what? I think it's beautiful, and I'm keeping it... Ha... I prefer to be natural!! 

Having faith in God is not begging for "your" way but putting it in God's hands and trusting that he knows best.  

I believe being genuinely happy for other's good fortune shows strong character. We ultimately choose to feel jealous, just as we can choose not to feel it. It is always great to be reminded of our choices when it comes to what kind of person we desire to be. 

Goal for today: say good morning or hi to someone on FB that you normally don't or even wouldn't say it to. That is actively showing your inner love for others!!   

Real Christians are NOT condescending to others. Real Christians treat others as they would want to be treated. It disgusts me that there are some people who go to church every time the doors open, but turn around and treat others like crap or act condescending like they are so much more than they really are. It is called delusions of grandeur people. News Flash: You are NOT that important. I might not go to church, but I promise you one thing I am more of a Christian or righteous than most who do. At least I truly put in an effort to make ALL people feel important. I constantly make myself vulnerable to others because I try to be what GOD wants me to be even if it does cause me to be rejected at times. It just ticks me off how some people are such HYPOCRITES!!!! All I can say is that I pray that people snap out of hipocracy and break the circle with their children. Otherwise, the next generation will be no different. I think it is disturbing that those types are so blind to their ways. And, in my opinion, those who stick their pathetic nose up at others and don't show respect and kindness are some of the worst. I would NEVER want to be known or thought of as that kind of person. I try to acknowledge and show kindness to everyone and teach my daughter the same because showing kindness, compassion, love, understanding and forgiveness to others is the most important quality in any follower of God. If you can't master that then what kind of person are you???? ... I just wish they would realize how they are being perceived because it is NEVER too late to change and make a difference... I say, live by example and if you are going to talk the talk then walk the walk... 

There is NOTHING CHRISTIAN or HOLY about hate, intolerance, prejudice or bullying... Your job is to LOVE not JUDGE, even when it is something that you are against or against your personal beliefs. It's time to start teaching our children that it is NOT okay to bully others for ANY reason. Teach your kids LOVE NOT HATE!!

What good is it to know the Bible inside out if you don't know how to simply be a good person, a loving person, a compassionate and understanding person.... Something to ponder! 

Perfect time to plant your seeds of positivity and watch them grow...

How do you recognize the people that show up in your life that are only there to teach you a lesson?

In a massive, cosmology kind of way, through the concept of thermodynamics, human progress is but an ephemeral and inconsequential episode in a universal decay. Makes you wonder what our energy will converse to... I find it comforting knowing that our energy is infinite, and will become one with our source!! 

We deprive ourself of so much happiness when we allow the past to shape the present! 

Excuses are like butt-holes, everyone has one but yours STINKS!! 

Ever notice how many physically pretty women are some of the ugliest? If you happen to be blessed/cursed with physical beauty do NOT let it go to your head. Realize that it takes a lot more than that to actually be beautiful!!

Letting go of someone is not about letting go of the feelings but instead keeping the love, by moving on and letting them move on as well, and accepting that sometimes love's just not enough.

Thought for the day: If you are a bully OR participate in bullying and that person commits suicide, in my eyes you are associated as participating in premeditated MURDER!! So, you PARENTS out there QUIT teaching, by words and actions, your children intolerance of others differences!! If you are prejudice, or even racist, KEEP IT TO YOURSELF, AND for peets-sake do not be 'that' kind of role model for the next generation. READ YOU BIBLE, AND PUT THE 'CHRIST' BACK IN 'CHRISTIAN!! Enough said!! Sorry, but I am quite fed up of hearing of children committing suicide because of this kind of crap... It just hurts my heart... SOMEBODY, EVERYBODY, NEEDS TO SPEAK UP AGAINST BULLYING!!

Scientific studies have shown that forests and other natural green environments have positive health benefits. After spending time in these types of surroundings, people report having a reduction in stress, anger and aggressiveness. Recovery time from stressful situations is faster in natural, green surroundings than in urban areas. Natural surroundings have also been found to improve mood and reduce depression. Still more reports show that spending time in nature helps to lower blood pressure, heart rate, muscle tension, and stress hormone levels.

My thought for the night: I am a friend of great "quality" but don't do too much "quantity" with friends. In other words, I always strive to give such good quality to all my friends that they don't need near as much quantity of my time. 

Ok, one more goofy saying... Embrace the dork within. That's the motto I try to live by. Those who know me well will understand why I say that. I am a dork, and darn proud of it!!!! 

Heavannah Holland, I want you to know how very proud I am of the person you are, the person you're becoming, and the person I know you will be. You fill my heart with so much hope and faith. Every time you stay true to yourself, every time you act as individual and not a follower, and every time you treat another person with kindness and acceptance you realize your potential. You are my heart-n-soul. You are my home. You are everything I live for. You bring me true happiness. You are the main reason God created me. You give my life purpose and meaning. I appreciate you, and what you bring to my life. Thank you for your tolerance of all my imperfections as a parent, and as a friend. I love you T.I.F.E. and so far beyond, even, that. ((HUGZ))

Lovin my simple lil country life, being a single lil Momma, and raising a beautiful sweet daughter... How could I possibly ask for or even want anything more, and I truly mean that!! It's all about finding the joy in each moment or phase of life. Be thankful, no matter how much or less that you have. Make the most of your life at each level. And, always strive to be better, for yourself and those you love. I may not have a lot in some peoples eyes, but in mine I am the richest person in the world.... When Heavannah gets grown a whole new and exciting part of my life, and life goals, will begin to blossom. However, I want to bask in the pure happiness of the current moment... I am excited for the here and now, but still look forward to a wonderful and eventful future. 

Facebook is a but a vehicle for me to express myself and share that expression with others. This is 100% the real me, the only me. I am not ashamed and make no apologies, everyone has a choice as to what and whom they are subjected to. Always remember that and exercise that right! 

Scientifically, what are we really made of? The stuff that we are made of today only requires maybe a handful of little particles. The atoms on the outside, our electrons whirling around like planets, if you'd like, and there is a nucleus in the center of the atom which we used to believe consist of protons and neutrons. Well, it is but deeper down, they in turn, like going to the heart of the cosmic onion, are made of little things called quarks. Two types of quarks, an up quark and a down quark. And that's it, an up and a down quark joined together in different ways. Ultimately, made of the atomic nucleus, an electron whirling around the outside makes the atom. Throw in a nutrino, which is created in radio active processes, and that is the basic particles that makes up everything that you see around you. There are also photon of light which we are seeing with right now, and that is pretty well it. Quarks don't have any size, the size of the radius of a quark is zero. They are like a tiny box full of energy. All matter, including us, is actually made of energy that has congealed into particulate form. That appears to be what we are made of, at least as far as we can see right now. But knowing this opens up an even greater mystery which is, "Why is the stuff we are made of behave the way it does?" Take a minute to really think about this. To me, the particle world is just as mysterious as the cosmic one. AND, I FREAKIN LOVE IT!! :)

I am reminded daily that it is a choice to be happy, peaceful, and content, no matter the circumstances or environment, failures or successes. I "choose" the higher road, the higher path. I "choose" to find peace and happiness within myself. I "choose" not to allow the negativity of this world to determine my inner state of being. I am grateful to live in an existence where there is a "choice"!

Even when you absolutely know it will never last forever you love even more so deeply because one day there will be no tomorrow with that particular person, however, the impact of that love will last an eternity.

Feel! Yes, feel. Whether it be bad or good, just feel it. With it's full impact. What does it do to you? What can it do? Destroy or empower? Your choice! What ignites your fire, the fire within you? Only you know, and only you can chose and act upon.

My brain is infested with thoughts of you!! My heart is tortured with my love for you!! Every fiber of me, down to my very soul, aches for you and only you!! So what do I do without you, with me, always? Every breath I take comes with a price, life continuing without you, my love! You complete me! You are my happy place, my home! I need you! I want you in my life! I have to have you in my life! I will never give up! You are forever in my heart, and I love you, my beautiful soulmate!!

I am at peace, and content, within and with myself, even though I could say my life is lacking goal time-line. However, the climb is worth the view at the top, even when you have to stop and rest more often than intended!! :)

On this earth there is belief that we are separate from source. This is a fear-based reality. From the time we are born we are programmed with belief systems from our family, country, culture, education, religion, etc., without the ability to discern what is authentic for us. In essence, we create a persona based on other people’s perceptions and reactions to our behaviors. This creates a false self, one born out of a reactive consciousness, manufactured personality based on image.

The first talk I had with my daughter about 1st went something like this. (You know, 1st kisses, etc.) Her logic: You said you had your 1st kiss at 12 years old, so it must be ok. My logic to her: I'm not the best example to live by dear, and I expect and want better for you. I smoked my 1st joint at your age, and that definitely was and is NOT ok or good. You can do better than that, and I expect better. So, for future reference just because I did something at your age does NOT make it ok for you. Again, I am not the best example of my expectations for you. I can't go back and change it, but, through you, I can make it right (aka... A Lesson Learned) It's these type opportunities that define what we are instilling in our children. I took this opportunity to share my expectations, to be honest in my own mistakes, to be earnest in my lessons learned, and to communicate on a "real" level with my child. We are all imperfect, we have all made errors in judgement at one point or another no matter the severity. It is ok to show humility, by showing you are teaching. We should always express our desire for a better experience for our child. Always remember, your child is also a person. And, more than likely YOU are their primary role model. Moral here: Communication and understanding is key.

It's not where I have been in life, it is about where I am destined and getting there justly. Through my, many, bad judgments in life I have learned how to live, learn, grow and teach. I am neither ashamed nor regretful, for I gained a world of understanding, knowledge and wisdom!

Reactive behavior creates intense sparks of light but eventually leaves darkness in its wave. Nestled within our reactive behavior is the desire for instant gratification. It offers a quick high that makes us feel alive and in control of our lives. We can become addicted to this feeling, just as a runner does to endorphins or a drug addict to heroin, crack, or cocaine.

Don't ever mistake my kindness or kind-heartedness for weakness, cause believe me I have strength you can only dream of. Booyah Baby... Ha

Even though I am very hopeful of a peaceful tomorrow for our future generations, I am forever indebted to all who have protected, even helped shape, our great nation, our world. Thank you to ALL veterans! My heart breaks knowing the cost, emotionally & physically, many have paid to serve their nation. I remain thankful, everyday, that I gained so much, instead of loss of self, through all my experiences in the military and even my tour in Iraq. We are a blessed Nation!! Shout out to all my comrads, but MOSTLY my Dad & Grandfather, who both inspired me to follow my own path of service!! :)

What is black to one person is white to another. And nothing in this world is so perfect that it is pure white, or so bad it is pure black. Everything concerning human beings comes in shades of gray. None of us is perfect, without flaws.


What does it truly mean to be a good parent? Selfless and unconditional love, without being an enabler. Sacrifice, of people and material things. Protecting at ALL costs. Knowing that you would lose the world and anything in it for your child without a second thought, and doing the right thing. Absorbing all the hurt and pain, being a cushion of protection. Nurturing, sharing, loving, protecting, and being a good example, someone that can be admired and respected in their eyes. Doing what is right, even when it isn’t easy. Practicing what you preach so that they learn to do the same. Showing compassion for them, and for all God’s creation. Discipline, structure, and teaching when necessary. Tough love, when necessary. Quality time with them is more important than quantity, even though quantity is great when available. Respect, given and received. Being honest and teaching honesty, no matter the consequences. Participating, being an active role model and playing an active role in their life with consistency. Learning and growing together as a family. Being the rock when they need something solid to lean on. Loving… Laughing… Living… Allowing them to see the humanity in you as a parent and a person. Being accessible to their needs. Teaching morals and values that will last a lifetime, a foundation they can build upon for the rest of their life. The list is endless, but this is a start… There is no mountain too tall, no valley too low, no ocean to wide to be the best parent you can be to your precious, gift(s), child(ren). Love them, protect them, cherish them and do not take them for granted, for you are not promised tomorrow to make it right with them… Do it NOW!! Let them know they are loved, cherished, and appreciated for the wonderful person they are and can be. Teach them to have compassion for all of God’s creation, in return they may love and be loved beyond our expectations!!

Everyone deserves equality! It is time for people to put aside prejudice and discrimination!! Hopefully people will open up their hearts and minds, and realize that we are ALL children of God! Throughout history prejudice and discrimination has consumed the hearts of many good people! When has prejudice or discrimination ever served a higher purpose or brought anyone to God? NEVER! The journey to God is NOT through any negative thought or action to self or another, but through the love and compassion that ties us all to God! You cannot live for God with hatred in your heart!! 

Plant seeds... Some may grow right away... Some seeds may take longer to develop or grow... And some may never grow... But all we can do is plant the seeds and let God do the rest! 

I do not aim to change peoples mind, just broaden it!! 

I am weary in my human sufferings. My spirit is wounded and hiding. Knowing and doing seem so distant in wisdom. My heart is broken beyond a million pieces, with an impossibility of ever being whole again. My soul sheds so many tears knowing that pain is ultimately inflicted by and to each of us. We are infected with saturated half-truths and contaminated knowledge. Like a virus we continue on consuming all in our way. Stop, slow down, take a minute to see what is right in front of you. Hope becoming so dim, leaving it difficult to see the path and find our way. Faith diminishes with each failure. Is it too late, has it been too long. How do we go on. Weakness can be the demise of a good thing. Love and hate flirt religiously with one another. Can we overcome pain by replacing it with love, is it ever too late. Once again I say, I am very weary in my human sufferings. Yet I must continue on, while trying to remember my song!!

Happy Thanksgiving! I am thankful for everything in and of itself. Good and bad, I am shaped by all that was, is, and will be in my life. But, I think I am most Thankful for my daughter who brings richness, beyond belief, to my life. I am constantly memorized by the person she was and is. She completes me and my life. Hope everyone has a blessed and wonderful day!! Don't forget to focus on gratitude on this day of thanks!! ♥

Thought of the day: Never think there is any excuse for being mean spirited that would be considered appropriate, there is not. In the end it can always be simplified to the basic saying 'Do unto others as you would want to be done'. Think it out. It may also help improve and/or strengthen your decision-making processes. Be Blessed!! :)

Inner strength is an amazing and enduring quality. One of the hardest tasks is to love in the face of adversity, forgive when it hurts the most, understand when it makes no sense, and carry on when you feel like giving up. If you can manage these tasks in the end you will find yourself with inner peace in knowing you overcame odds and proclaimed your relationship with the higher intelligence/God! May all have a Blessed Day! Take time to appreciate yourself today, and what you add to this world. Remember, we all add something a little special!!

My daughter truly amazes me. It warms my heart when she reflects wisdom beyond her years. It gives me comfort that she is learning some of the most important lessons I constantly preach to her. Even better, it gives me joy to see her walk the walk and be the person I hoped and prayed her to be. All the good grades in the world can't compare to that!! Just saying... :)

Thought for Today: Appreciate that God gave us a brain to learn with, ears to listen with, mouth to speak with, heart to love with, eyes to see with, people who have the desire to teach others, and the internet and FaceBook as a great tool to reach others' hearts and minds! May all Be Blessed!

The great thing about cliche's is that they are usually correct, sometimes it just takes time and appreciation to understand how they work!! 


"This too shall pass"! This is true on the most basic of levels, EVERYTHING PASSES (sooner or later). If you can just hold on and be strong through the storm, eventually it will calm and you will appreciate the strength it gave you. 

When you are in the midst of struggles, pain or grief it is so difficult to have faith that there is always better days ahead. In the midst of a struggle, pain or grief it may seem like there is no light at the end of the tunnel. However, you have to be determined within yourself to make the most out of your life, learn and grow spiritually, always give back or pay it forward, and sooner or later that light at the end of the tunnel will become visible!!

Complacent with my thoughts, hoping for burst of ideas to form a magnificent ideal! Tired of being trapped within this confinement, ready for true freedom! So much compassion wasted on nothingness! Wanting more, needing less, and having what is. Struggles drowning my spirit within. The light at the end of the tunnel is still so dim. Trying to live up to expectations and desires, falling short. Not giving up, just struggling to continue. When will I have my hearts desire, wondering if it will ever come again. Discouraging at times but hopeful always, I will fight til the end. Without my dreams I am nothing. Dreams not consisting of earthly pleasure, but fulfillment of my soul. My purpose nothing but divine til the end of time, then passing into infinity is what I most desire! I am a spirit having a human experience, not the other way around! 

I hope it pours down raining tonight!! I want to sit on my back porch, relax and listen. :)

The difference between Prayer and Meditation: Prayer is supplication to God, and Meditation is listening to His answer!! 

Being quiet, in mind and body, gives God a chance to whisper in your ear. It's more important to hear God's direction than begging for your wishes or desires. God is always there to lead you through, inevitable, struggles, pain, and even grief. Let His whispers touch your soul and comfort your spirit. Find peace and solace in his wisdom. 

When my ears fail to hear I have faith that my heart got the message and will guide me through helping me to make choices that are in tune with God's desire for me and my life. I try to always view all things with understanding from a higher perspective than merely my ego perspective. It can be very difficult at times, but it always proves invaluable in my spiritual growth and relationship to God. 

Something to ponder: When it comes down to it ALL humans have the innate need to be accepted by others, and when denied that acceptance it causes emotions of pain and hurt to turn to never ending anger.

Personality is how we interact and communicate with the world around us. Personality defines a degree of our character. Personality can be altered, improved, and/or strengthened. Each thought eventually finds a way to express itself, whether through our interactions with the world around us or even how we treat our-self. Be the change you wish to see in the world! Only you can change "your" world and in turn possibly change someone elses, sometimes just merely through a change in perception. Take that first step by focusing each thought, each action and reaction in a positive direction!! 

EVERY MIND IS A FOREIGN COUNTRY!! All are absolutely unique in the combination thoughts, desires, feelings, and beliefs. :)